a good citizen

  1. 2. hurt.
  2. 4. imagine me.
  3. 5. speak—
  4. 6. circulate freely,
  5. 8. you were
  6. 9. opinions
  7. 12. good citizen,
  8. 13. men—
  9. 15. of
  10. 17. your children
  11. 19. and maturity
  12. 21. was
  13. 23. members
  14. 24. deeds
  1. 1. nothing not
  2. 3. civilization
  3. 6. a free society.
  4. 7. coarsely.
  5. 10. books—
  6. 11. I read.
  7. 14. to show
  8. 16. survive.
  9. 18. read
  10. 20. ready to respond.
  11. 21. am
  12. 22. will be better equipped