A great puzzle

  1. 3. (6 letters) - Healthy lifestyle habit that reduces heart disease risk
  2. 6. (7 letters) - Tiny blood vessels that connect arteries and veins
  3. 8. (6 letters) - Unhealthy lifestyle habit that can damage the heart
  4. 9. (5 letters) - A protein in the blood that helps blood clot
  5. 10. (6 letters) - Cells that fight infection in the blood
  6. 12. (3 letters) - Lower chamber of the heart that pumps blood to the body
  7. 13. PECTORIS (8 letters) - Feeling of chest pain or discomfort, often a sign of heart problems
  8. 15. PRESSURE (8 letters) - Squeezing pressure of blood against artery walls
  9. 16. (12 letters) - Non-surgical procedure that uses a contrast dye to visualize arteries
  10. 17. (3 letters) - Abbreviation for a procedure that uses a catheter to widen narrowed arteries (Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty)
  11. 18. (10 letters) - Inflammation of the heart muscle
  1. 1. (6 letters) - Narrowing of arteries due to plaque buildup
  2. 2. (5 letters) - Prefix meaning "pertaining to blood vessels"
  3. 4. (6 letters) - Fatty buildup in arteries that can cause blockages
  4. 5. (10 letters) - Irregular heartbeat caused by electrical malfunctions
  5. 7. (4 letters) - Upper chambers of the heart that receive blood
  6. 9. (8 letters) - Instrument that uses X-rays to image the heart and lungs
  7. 11. ( EKG ) (3 letters) - Tool used to measure electrical activity of the heart
  8. 12. (8 letters) - Surgical procedure to repair a damaged heart valve
  9. 14. FAILURE (8 letters) - Condition of insufficient blood flow due to weak heart pump