A healthy Lifestyle

  1. 4. Wear on your head when skateboarding
  2. 8. Physical Activity like running, swimming
  3. 9. People use for cycling
  4. 10. What you wear on your feet
  5. 13. Where people lift weights
  6. 14. Stretching exercise beginning with Y
  7. 15. People wear on their elbows when skateboarding
  8. 16. Cream that protects from the sun
  9. 17. Something you should do before exercise
  10. 18. Wear on your hands when boxing
  1. 1. Green and black fruit. Usually people eat in Summer
  2. 2. Use to clean my teeth
  3. 3. Red fruit that is sweet
  4. 4. Part of the body you wash before you eat
  5. 5. Something I do everyday
  6. 6. Exercise in the water
  7. 7. An orange vegetable
  8. 11. What you comb
  9. 12. Move to music