A History of US Book 1 Chapters 13-18 Vocab

  1. 2. sea raider; pirate (p. 60)
  2. 3. old bones or traces of ancient plants and animals (p. 63)
  3. 7. stuck on an island (p. 85)
  4. 8. Spanish word that means "conqueror" (p. 86)
  5. 12. "fat" lines that run horizontally around the globe (p. 71)
  6. 13. a method of dating the amount of carbon left in an object that tells us its age (p. 62)
  7. 15. wealthy (p. 70)
  8. 16. another word for storm (p. 76)
  1. 1. a time of rebirth (p. 68)
  2. 4. revolt of rebellion of sailors on a ship (p. 77)
  3. 5. resistance to infection (p. 78)
  4. 6. stolen goods, booty (p. 60)
  5. 9. the study of people and how they develop (p. 63)
  6. 10. the science of animal life (p. 63)
  7. 11. these ate holes in the bottom of Columbus' ships on his 4th journey (p. 85)
  8. 12. "long" lines, vertically measuring around the globe (p. 71)
  9. 14. someone who's owed money (p. 86)