A Little of Everything

  1. 3. Right now in class, you are learning ______.
  2. 4. Oak ___, Redwood ____, Joshua _____.
  3. 7. It's very hot during this season (季節) and you don't have school.
  4. 8. A king's son
  5. 9. This is a red gemstone (寶石).
  6. 11. A king's daughter
  7. 13. The Lion City
  1. 1. You sleep here.
  2. 2. The back wall of our classroom has lots of ____.
  3. 5. Some people ride one of these to go to school.
  4. 6. Teachers use these to write on whiteboards.
  5. 10. There are many statues (雕像) of this man all over Taiwan.
  6. 11. If you put white and red together, you get _____.
  7. 12. At night you should do this.