A Midsumer Tights Dream

  1. 2. Something an Author writes
  2. 4. A baby Owl
  3. 6. Something you stick with
  4. 9. Something we get a lot of
  5. 11. You wear them on your feet when your in pyjamas
  6. 13. Can come in red and grey
  7. 14. They give us oxygen
  8. 16. Two close people might do this to show affection
  9. 19. Something rhythmic or rhymed
  10. 20. Can be related to as a mutt
  11. 22. What you see with
  12. 23. Some people used to write to people
  1. 1. You go no water in one
  2. 3. You wear them on your legs under things
  3. 5. A cold season
  4. 7. A famous kids film beginning with M
  5. 8. Something you get for a good performance
  6. 10. What you smell with
  7. 12. Cream Something you eat at the beach
  8. 14. Two people with the same birthday and parents
  9. 15. Something children hope for at Christmas
  10. 16. In the middle of your legs
  11. 17. Something you say to someone when there leaving
  12. 18. You climb up them to reach high places
  13. 21. A small rat like creature in Scotland