A Midsummer Night's Dream

  1. 3. He is a young man who is engaged to a young woman, Hermia, who is in love with Lysander
  2. 5. He is an Athenian who tries to keep his daughter, Hermia, from marrying Lysander.
  3. 7. injured
  4. 9. Duke Theseus's party planner.
  5. 12. a dog or coward
  6. 13. pure
  7. 16. one of the Rude Mechanicals of Athens who plays the part of Moonshine in their performance of Pyramus and Thisbe
  8. 18. She is a girl of ancient Athens named for Hermes
  9. 20. n the play, she is the Queen of the fairies and wife of the Fairy King, Oberon.
  10. 21. Along with Mustardseed, Peaseblossom, and Moth, Mustardseed is one of the royal retainers who accompany Queen Titania in most of the Queen's scenes.
  11. 22. He is one of the six mechanicals of Athens who perform the play which himself authored
  12. 23. Having been defeated in battle by Theseus, she is now betrothed to him.
  13. 24. the leader of the play
  1. 1. His occupation is a bellows-mender. He is forced to play the female role of Thisbe in "Pyramus and Thisbe"
  2. 2. He is a joiner who comes from Athens who is hired by Peter Quince to play the part of the lion in Pyramus and Thisbe.
  3. 4. one of the royal retainers who accompany Queen Titania in most of the Queen's scenes.
  4. 6. he is King of the Fairies and spouse of Titania, Queen of the Fairies.
  5. 8. She is the daughter of Nedar and is also a lifelong friend of Hermia.
  6. 9. is a mischievous fairy, sprite, or jester.
  7. 10. in love with Egeus's daughter Hermia
  8. 11. sweet sounding
  9. 14. He is a tinker, and one of the "mechanicals" of Athens, amateur players in Pyramus and Thisbe
  10. 15. red
  11. 17. one of the royal retainers of Queen Titania of Faerie.
  12. 19. the Duke of Athens