A Midsummer Night's Dream

  1. 5. Theseus is going to marry_________.
  2. 6. Who wrote A Midsummer Night's Dream?
  3. 9. Hermia's father wants her to marry_________.
  4. 11. Who transforms Bottom's head?
  5. 12. Puck's boss is_________.
  6. 13. How many couples marry by the end of Act 5?
  7. 15. She's the queen of the fairies.
  8. 16. Hermia and Helena are_________.
  9. 18. _________is in love with Lysander.
  10. 19. At the end of the play, Titania and Oberon_________Theseus' palace.
  11. 20. When Titania wakes up, she falls in love with_________.
  12. 21. The play is a_________.
  1. 1. Magical creatures that have a kingdom in the wood.
  2. 2. The story takes place in_________.
  3. 3. Oberon wishes to help this person.
  4. 4. The juice of a _________ makes people fall in love.
  5. 7. Hermia's father's name is_________.
  6. 8. An important period for the arts in England "_________ era."
  7. 9. Bottom gets the head of a_________.
  8. 10. Quince is one of the_________.
  9. 13. The play about Pyramus and Thisbe is a_________.
  10. 14. At the end of the play, the lovers think it was all a_________.
  11. 17. The _________ theatre is located in London.