A Midsummer Night's Dream

  1. 4. Who Hermia ends up with
  2. 9. Who dose Titania Fall in Love with, when she wakes up
  3. 10. The Fairy Queen
  4. 11. Bottom woke up and thought their experiences were a _____ when he woke up
  5. 13. What is the main theme of the play 'A Midsummer Night's Dream"
  6. 16. The Character who is betrothed to Theseus
  7. 17. What was the play that was performed
  8. 19. How many scenes were there in the play 'A Midsummer Night's Dream"
  9. 20. The Character that who ends up with a donkey head
  10. 21. Puck dropped flower juice in Demetrius ____
  11. 22. Who Titania ends up with
  12. 24. The play opens in this ancient city ____
  13. 26. The type of play "A Midsummer Night's Dream" is condidered
  14. 27. When Lysander is absent, Hermia thinks he has been ____
  15. 29. What city was the play based in
  1. 1. Quince leads a band of _____
  2. 2. Who wrote " A Midsummer Night's Dream"
  3. 3. Living prop played by Snout _____
  4. 5. Where was the 'A Midsummer Night's Dream" Frist recited
  5. 6. Who do Oberon and Titania have an argument about
  6. 7. Witch Play did Shakespear take elements from, his play 'A Midsummer Night's Dream"
  7. 8. Where the play is set
  8. 12. Who is the father of Hermia
  9. 14. Potion Oberon uses this special flower to make _____
  10. 15. These magical beings have a kingdom in the woods
  11. 16. Who Demetrius ends up with
  12. 18. The fairy that that severs Oberon's
  13. 23. The profession of Bottom
  14. 25. The flower that causes people to fall in love
  15. 28. What was practiced in the woods