A Midsummer Night's Dream

  1. 2. / ____ Love
  2. 5. / Where the play takes place
  3. 7. / This play is considered a _______?
  4. 9. / The course of true ______ never did run smooth.
  5. 12. / "If we shadows have __________ think but this and all is mended".
  6. 14. / Plays Moonshine
  7. 16. / the fairies live in the______
  8. 17. / "My heart is true as _____
  9. 19. / King of the Fairies
  10. 20. / The king of the fairies jester
  11. 22. / "Now to scrape the serpants _____
  12. 23. / The play that happens is performed at the_________.
  13. 25. / Pyramus and Thisbe talk a ____.
  14. 26. / Queen of the Amazons
  15. 29. / The actor bottom wants to play __________
  16. 30. / Obsessed and desperate and also jealous
  17. 35. / Charming and beautiful and has a temper
  18. 36. / A poet that broke his promise to get married
  19. 38. / Plays the Wall
  20. 39. / Hermia's father
  1. 1. / ______ couples get married at the royal wedding.
  2. 3. / Master of the Revels at Theseus's court.
  3. 4. / Man with a donkey head
  4. 6. / King of Athens
  5. 8. / The Lovers find there true loves in the _______
  6. 10. / Plays Thisbe
  7. 11. / A ___________ Night's Dream
  8. 13. / Puck puts a _____________ on Bottom
  9. 15. / Fairies put this on humans eyelids
  10. 18. / "A ____ among ladies is a most dreadful thing."
  11. 21. / "Love looks not with the eyes but with the _______and therefore is wing'd cupid pointed blind."
  12. 24. / Author
  13. 27. / A man who has true love to Hermia
  14. 28. / Plays the Lion
  15. 31. / Lovers run through the forest at ____.
  16. 32. / And _____ shall restore amends.
  17. 33. / Queen of the fairies
  18. 34. / does the prologue in the play
  19. 36. / "As she is mine, I may dispose of her; which shall be either to this gentlemen or to her _____."
  20. 37. / Lord what fools these ________ be.