A Midsummer Night's Dream

  1. 2. Bottom's head is turned into a _________
  2. 5. Fairy queen
  3. 10. King of the people
  4. 11. The ____ (Hermia, Helena, Lysander & Demetrius)
  5. 12. Quince, Snug, Bottom, Snout, Starveling & _______
  6. 13. Doesn't know lions don't talk
  7. 15. Moth, Mustardseed, Peaseblossom & _________
  8. 16. The setting
  9. 18. Hermia's father
  10. 19. Bottom's first name
  1. 1. In the beginning, Lysander &Demetrius love _______
  2. 3. "__________ & Thisbe"
  3. 4. Helena & Hermia are like _________
  4. 6. ______ boy (Cause of Oberon and Titania's fight)
  5. 7. Play director (and actor)
  6. 8. Helena is ________ than Hermia
  7. 9. Mechanical who tries to sound smart
  8. 14. Fairy king
  9. 16. Hippolyta, Queen of the __________
  10. 17. Devilish fairy