A Mob of Meerkats Book Vocabulary

  1. 4. drink milk from a mother's body
  2. 5. area of land in which a group of animals lives and hunts
  3. 10. not real
  4. 11. pass on information to another
  5. 12. one who serves as a lookout
  6. 14. refers to the leader of most important member of a group
  7. 16. living in a group
  8. 17. work together
  9. 20. active during the day
  10. 22. area of flat grassland with few trees
  11. 23. search for food
  12. 25. early form of an insect
  13. 26. hole or tunnel dug by an animal for shelter
  1. 1. short trees or bushes
  2. 2. joining of a male and female of the same species to create young
  3. 3. particular area of land that a group of animals claims as its own
  4. 6. when one animal cleans bits of dirt, dead skin, or insects from the hair of another
  5. 7. protect from danger or attack
  6. 8. newborn or young meerkat
  7. 9. marketing smell that identifies members of a group
  8. 11. animal that mostly eats other animals
  9. 13. place where an animal or plant lives
  10. 15. long nose that sticks out from the rest of the face
  11. 18. animal that hunts other animals for food
  12. 19. hairy, warm-blooded animal that feeds its young with milk from the mother's body
  13. 21. young animals produced by an animal at one time
  14. 24. change over time to fit in with the environment