  1. 2. This piece of equipment is used for measuring liquids
  2. 4. A gentle "around and over" motion for mixing in dry ingredients
  3. 7. This type of flour already has the raising agent in it
  4. 9. A piece of equipment used to test to see if cakes are cooked
  5. 11. Most suitable oven function when more than one tray is being cooked at a time
  6. 12. One example of a chemical raising agent
  7. 14. Changing from a solid to a liquid
  8. 15. To beat butter and sugar together until light and fluffy
  9. 16. The best piece of equipment for "folding in" ingredients
  10. 19. How the butter is incorporated into the flour when making scones
  11. 21. This is another word for "zero" used on measuring scales
  12. 22. The best piece of equipment for stirring in a pot
  1. 1. A temperature scale used in ovens
  2. 3. In NZ this measures 15mL
  3. 5. Chemical raising agents produce this gas to make cakes and biscuits rise
  4. 6. Too much of this ingredient may have been used if your biscuits are dry
  5. 8. These two ingredients add nutritive value to our baking
  6. 10. The abbreviation for this is "t"
  7. 13. When thick folds of mixture fall from our beaters during sponge making
  8. 17. This measures 250mL
  9. 18. This piece of equipment removes lumps and mixes dry ingredients
  10. 20. This is done to stop food sticking to the tin