A Raisin in the Sun Act 1

  1. 3. gift from Asagai
  2. 7. one for whom bread-food is not enough
  3. 8. Asagai call's this mutilated
  4. 11. walter's dream
  5. 12. has big dreams; feels unsupported
  6. 13. Younger's were doing this before Asagai's visit
  7. 14. Asagai from
  8. 16. Beneatha's dream
  9. 19. source of money, $10,000
  1. 1. Mama's dream
  2. 2. Ruth's dream
  3. 4. Ruth may be willing to sacrifice
  4. 5. type of home the Younger's live in
  5. 6. Travis plays with while outside
  6. 9. Walter's job
  7. 10. changing yourself to fit in with the group
  8. 15. brings Beneatha gifts
  9. 16. a goal or a strongly held desire
  10. 17. city where Younger's live
  11. 18. to put something off; delay