A Raisin in the Sun Vocabulary

  1. 4. After his amp broke, Niko __ a new one with spare parts he found around the workshop.
  2. 5. Although Yarden was __ in begging Ms. Stackhouse to change his grade, she consistently refused.
  3. 6. Not wanting to disturb the students working silently, Mrs. Kriner __(ed) through the window that she needed to speak with Ms. Stackhouse urgently.
  4. 8. "I __ you to proofread your essays!" Mr. Criscuoli pleaded to his classes desperately.
  5. 10. Mr. Criscuoli's 6th period class was __ when they realized that Spring Break was coming up and they would be bereft of his wisdom for a over a week.
  6. 11. During your __ into Atholton High School culture, you must purchase a lot of Raider Nation gear.
  7. 13. The students in 4A looked at Ms. Stackhouse with __ expressions as she explained the different between a gerund and a participle.
  8. 14. Five consecutive nights of very little sleep had left the new parents in a __; they could barely tell what was going on around them.
  9. 16. "What do you mean your story about travelling to the moon isn't true?!" the trusting students shouted with __.
  10. 17. __ by being refused five times, Katie asked Olivia to prom again in the hopes she would finally change her mind.
  11. 18. In an effort to make her home a __ of safety, Ms. Stackhouse purchased an alarm system and a Ring camera.
  12. 19. Many new fashion trends seem __ at first, but eventually the unconventional style catches on.
  1. 1. The dishonest student tried to cast a __ glance at his neighbor's crossword puzzle but was quickly caught by the wise educator.
  2. 2. When Ms. Stackhouse announced that the next vocabulary quiz would be worth 1000 points, the students studied her face to see if she was being __ or not.
  3. 3. If your grade is __(ly) balanced between a B and a C, make sure to study hard for your vocabulary quiz.
  4. 7. The smell of rotten eggs __(ed) the hallways after the stink bomb was set off.
  5. 9. Ms. Stackhouse was __ when Mr. Criscuoli suggested that she could not get the book off of the top shelf without his help. (Even though he was right)
  6. 12. I had to leave the party when it got too __ because loud noises overwhelm my senses.
  7. 14. Because she rarely yells, the students knew that Ms. Bullock was angry by her __ tone of voice.
  8. 15. Rude students are often __ during Friday Shout-outs when they should be more serious and proud of their peers.