A Retrieved Reformation

  1. 5. Jimmy's love
  2. 6. "Annabel, give me that ____ you are wearing."
  3. 10. Famous, distinguished
  4. 11. The crime that Jimmy Valentine committed.
  5. 14. With that act, Ralph D. Spencer _____ ______ and Jimmy Valentine took his place.
  6. 16. The author of this story.
  7. 17. He'll do his bit next time without any short time or ______ foolishness."
  1. 1. "Going to marry the ______ _____ are you?"
  2. 2. Jimmy's alter ego
  3. 3. Where Jimmy pulls off his final robbery.
  4. 4. The detective who is tracking Jimmy Valentine.
  5. 7. What Jimmy says is inside his heavy suitcase; "Lot of nickel plated ____ ____."
  6. 8. What the warden handed Jimmy.
  7. 9. Who Jimmy writes a letter to.
  8. 12. May shuts _____ in the vault.
  9. 13. Jimmy tossed a quarter into the hat of a ____ man.
  10. 15. The city in Arkansas.