A Shady Plot

  1. 2. out of agitation
  2. 3. quickly
  3. 7. a person one knows slightly
  4. 9. overconfident
  5. 10. best
  6. 13. a small thorn
  7. 17. stupidity
  8. 18. inducing sadness
  9. 19. expressing excessive zeal
  10. 20. move into a sloping position
  1. 1. uncontrolled behaviour of crying
  2. 4. emotionless
  3. 5. unstoppable
  4. 6. strange or mysterious
  5. 8. in a very unhappy state
  6. 11. looked unpleasantly
  7. 12. evening
  8. 14. appropriate to a devil in evil or cruelty
  9. 15. break up into small parts
  10. 16. a person who conquers any place