A Sixth Sense

  1. 5. Cole's grandma tells Cole that she went to see what?
  2. 9. Who plays Vincent grey in the movie?
  3. 11. Cole brings an old ___ to Kyra's dad
  4. 15. Malcolm misses his _________ after a session with Cole.
  5. 16. What do we find out at the end of the movie?
  6. 17. the antidepressant that Malcolm finds in the cabinet for his wife.
  7. 18. it gets ____ when Cole sees spirits.
  8. 19. what does Malcom's wife say to him as hes talking to her in the end?
  9. 20. the kid that Vincent is helping throughout the film
  10. 21. who plays Anna Crowe in the movie
  11. 23. the main character the story follows who is a child psychiatrist
  12. 24. The name Cole calls his teacher because it is what the kids used to bully him with in his school days.
  13. 25. what does Cole see?
  1. 1. Who plays Malcolm Crowe in the movie?
  2. 2. Who shots Malcolm and then himself?
  3. 3. why did Cole's mom miss his play?
  4. 4. Who plays Kyra Collins in the movie?
  5. 6. Who plays Cole Sear in the movie?
  6. 7. were does Malcolm hear Spanish that makes him believe Cole
  7. 8. Who plays Cole's teacher in the movie?
  8. 10. Who is Malcolms Wife.
  9. 12. who was keeping Kyra sick/poisoning her?
  10. 13. What did Malcolm go to see that Cole was performing in?
  11. 14. who plays Lynn Sear in the Movie?
  12. 22. what does Malcolm suggest that Cole does when the spirits appear.
  13. 24. Malcolm gets ____ at the beginning of the movie.