A to Z TOK

  1. 5. one of the twelve concepts in TOK. an idea we get when we exclude lies, distortion, concealment, and errors
  2. 8. it is the physical world, including plants, animals, and the landscape, as opposed to human creations
  3. 9. a chemical element with the symbol Xe and atomic number 54. A piece of knowledge that was discovered by two people​
  4. 10. this is a system of communication used by a particular country or community. This may create some different understandings of knowledge​
  5. 11. One of the twelve words in TOK. The angle at which an object or concept is viewed by a person or a group of people
  6. 13. necessary resource in language learning, often chosen as a TOK exhibition object (no longer recommended)​
  7. 16. one of the twelve TOK words, is proof that a belief is reasonable. Therefore, evidence is concrete facts
  8. 17. (one of the 12 vocabulary) this is the lack of favoritism toward one side or another; important in the areas of knowledge in order to eliminate bias
  9. 18. prove (a statement or theory) to be false), this happens to a lot of historical and scientific claims​
  10. 19. a pursuit, area of study, or skill to which someone has devoted much time and effort and in which they are expert. In order for knowledge to expand knowledge, we need people to collaborate from different (___)
  11. 21. this is often used to discover a reason behind a certain piece of knowledge​
  12. 22. as an area of knowledge, this area taps into human emotions and allows for self-expression​
  13. 23. a tool that we used during remote learning in order to share knowledge and learn it
  14. 25. good reason for something that exists or has been done
  15. 26. is the tendency to do or believe things because many other people do or believe the same. Due to this, peer review is always needed in order to eliminate this as much as possible
  1. 1. first, original, native. This group of people is believed in TOK to have the right to maintain, control, protect and develop their cultural heritage, traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions, as well as the manifestations of their sciences, technologies and cultures​
  2. 2. in TOK it is often crafted with intention to be open, general and contentious​
  3. 3. unknown origin and at least partly traditional, that ostensibly relates actual events and that is especially associated with religious belief​
  4. 4. responsibility, one of the TOK key concepts, is fulfilling obligations in ethical areas. To be able feel morally responsible for a certain problem, knowledge is required
  5. 6. facts and skills acquired by an individual through experience or education
  6. 7. (one of the 12 key concepts) the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something. It considers the relationship between the different AOKs and themes, and the way in which we develop our ethical frameworks​
  7. 12. a topic of economics, used to model worth or value​
  8. 14. one of the primary colours, fundamental knowledge of an artist​
  9. 15. all of the people born and living at about the same time, regarded collectively. In history, knowers often look at historical event took place in different ____
  10. 20. a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common, often studied in the AOK of human science ​
  11. 24. the study of past events that enables humans to do better in the present. One area of knowledge studied in TOK ​