A Whole Lot of Shaking Going On

  1. 3. Study of seismic waves generated by earthquakes
  2. 4. Zones commonly found in Japan and Aleutians
  3. 5. Introduced a physics based measure of earthquake size
  4. 6. Boundaries where fault lines slide past each other
  5. 9. Ridge where crustal plates are spread apart
  6. 13. Proposed an 'elastic rebound' theory for the origin of earthquakes
  7. 16. The measurement of the intensity of an earthquake
  8. 17. Builds the first time recording seismograph
  9. 19. Plates are spreading apart
  10. 22. A single landmass
  11. 23. Discovered the earth's solid inner core in 1936
  12. 24. Irish engineer that studied earthquake damage in Naples
  1. 1. Identifies velocity boundary between earth's crust and mantle
  2. 2. Published the first travel-time tables for earthquakes
  3. 7. Instruments used to measure the intensity of an earthquake
  4. 8. A scientific theory that describes the large scale motion of the Earth's lithosphere
  5. 10. Due to the gravitational force the Moon and Sun exert on the crust of the Earth
  6. 11. Plate motion driven by local convection currents that exert a downward pull on plates in subduction zones at ocean trenches.
  7. 12. Plate motion driven by friction between the convection currents in the asthenosphere and the more rigid overlying lithosphere.
  8. 14. The result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves.
  9. 15. Identified P-, S- and surface waves in earthquake records
  10. 18. Developed first seismometer
  11. 20. Developed first electromagnetic seismograph
  12. 21. The line of intersection between the fault plane and the Earth's surface