A Wrinkle in Time

  1. 1. Meg's real first name
  2. 3. one of the twins
  3. 8. stolen item to make ghosts with
  4. 10. athletic, smart boy helping Meg
  5. 12. the kids used these for oxygen
  6. 14. Mr. Murry's job
  7. 16. The town the kids visit where everyone is the same
  8. 18. Meg's baby brother
  9. 19. Where Meg's bedroom is
  1. 2. to teleport, how the Mrs. take the kids to Uriel
  2. 4. one of the twins
  3. 5. Mrs. ______ used to be a star, billions of years old
  4. 6. Mrs. ______ speaks in quotes
  5. 7. the Murry's dog
  6. 9. Mrs. Murry's job
  7. 11. who is missing
  8. 13. Mrs. ______ Has a hard time materializing
  9. 15. the planet the Mrs. live on
  10. 16. the Medium let the kids look into this ball
  11. 17. the Mrs. are not witches, but these