A Wrinkle In Time

  1. 2. gets bullied at school,smart,is not good at going through the tesseract
  2. 4. He can suck people into IT, he can get into their minds
  3. 6. Scientist,smart,mom,husband of Mr.Murry and knows about the tesseract
  4. 8. The 5 demension and the way the children travel to different planets and how Mr.Murry traveled
  5. 9. Travel through space, wasn't with family for awhile, smart, scienntist, went on a mission
  6. 10. They all do the same things and do them perfectly and if they don't they die
  7. 12. A thing that people are fighting
  1. 1. It is on the planet, everyone was in synnche
  2. 3. A brain, the person who controls Camozotz, makes people into a certain beat
  3. 5. The house the Mrs live in and do things in that children are scared of
  4. 6. She talks reallly slow, can travel in
  5. 7. Smart,not as normal,brother of meg, and can read minds
  6. 11. They are athletic,normal,and will look out for meg
  7. 13. Old,big,in the country, kind of spooky
  8. 14. Tall,Athletic,smart and friends with Meg.