A-Z Careers

  1. 3. makes food processing machines
  2. 6. makes advances in technology for health
  3. 13. makes anti lock brakes for cars
  4. 14. Designs animal habitats
  5. 16. insulate houses and buildings
  6. 19. makes tools for doctors
  7. 20. design oil mining machines
  1. 1. supervise lighting manufacturing
  2. 2. design highways and flow traffic
  3. 4. makes planes and space crafts
  4. 5. Files x-rays
  5. 7. design electrical wires and electrical poles
  6. 8. Checks fuel or other things on vehicle
  7. 9. makes jet engines
  8. 10. makes paper making machines
  9. 11. design nuclear power plants
  10. 12. Vehicle or auto designers conceive and draw the designs of cars and trucks
  11. 15. manipulate and study DNA
  12. 17. deals with movements humans make
  13. 18. Design and build tunnel and bridges