  1. 2. every year
  2. 3. australian soldier in ww1
  3. 4. something old and valuable
  4. 6. having the same letter or sound at beginning of a word
  5. 8. horns of a deer
  6. 10. protective covering for the body
  7. 11. signature
  8. 12. to say sorry
  9. 13. the crime of setting fire
  1. 1. to go up
  2. 2. to cut off a limb of a person
  3. 3. type of crocodile
  4. 5. where you live
  5. 6. almost the same as something
  6. 7. not natural
  7. 8. other word for plane
  8. 9. tv aerial
  9. 12. used to stop a ship from moving