
  1. 3. space in an artwork that is filled with something
  2. 5. the pure state of a color
  3. 6. a mark that has length but little width
  4. 8. a type of texture that you can feel
  5. 9. lines you sense or feel
  6. 12. natural shapes that have been altered
  7. 13. empty spaces surrounding shapes and forms
  1. 1. a type of texture that you can see, but not feel
  2. 2. shapes based on mathematics that have straight lines and regular curves
  3. 4. the lightness or darkness of a color
  4. 7. shapes found in nature
  5. 8. a color with white added to it
  6. 10. an area defined by a boundary
  7. 11. a color with black added to it