  1. 5. Any Living Thing That Negatively Effects Plants
  2. 7. Intensive Plant Cultivation
  3. 9. Two Year Life Cycle
  4. 10. Life Cycle Continues For As Long As Possible
  5. 11. One Leaf Exits The Ground Upon Sprouting
  6. 12. Multi Stemmed
  7. 15. Never Grows A Woody Stem
  8. 16. One Year Life Cycle
  9. 17. Bred And Engineered For Garden Qualities
  10. 18. Male and female flowers on the same plant
  11. 20. Individual plants are male or female
  1. 1. Two Plant Types Conjoined
  2. 2. Holds Its Leaves Through The Winter
  3. 3. Making Room In Soil To Plant A Seed Or Plug
  4. 4. Seeds Sprout Roots And Leaves
  5. 6. Cold Tolerance
  6. 8. Low Number Of "Trunks"
  7. 10. The Growing Of A Plant
  8. 13. Two Leaves Exit The Ground Upon Sprouting
  9. 14. Drops Its Leaves In The Winter
  10. 19. Where The Roots Transition Into The Stem