Abbigayle's Thanksgiving

  1. 2. the holiday after thanksgiving
  2. 3. the best part about thanksgiving
  3. 6. what you should be on thanksgiving
  4. 9. they were at the first thanksgiving
  5. 10. these fall around the time of thanksgiving
  6. 14. the best scent for the holiday
  7. 15. the date for thanksgiving
  8. 17. something we do to see our distant relatives
  9. 18. the main colors for thanksgiving
  10. 20. the main food
  1. 1. where I go for thanksgiving
  2. 4. we are out of school for thanksgiving _____
  3. 5. favorite dessert
  4. 7. People I spend time with on thanksgiving
  5. 8. An awesome holiday
  6. 11. also known as stuffing
  7. 12. you may see them as decorations for the holiday
  8. 13. Least favorite food
  9. 16. the month for thanksgiving
  10. 19. also known as fall