- 2. Army service academy
- 5. Christopher Nolan's Black Hole
- 9. fastest star ship in galaxy
- 10. What is space
- 12. How many million years did it take the PDS -70B exo planet to grow as large as Jupiter
- 13. Celestial body that may have equal or more water compared to all that on Earth
- 16. Delta 4 heavy space launch complex 6 first mission name
- 1. unique structure at space launch complex 6 was specifically designed due to challenging weather conditions experienced at the launch pad
- 3. first vegetable to grow in space
- 4. New hotness in Defense satellites
- 6. delta 4 is soon to be retired. which rocket will replace it
- 7. Harry Potter and Constellation
- 8. Items in this are fall into a geosynchronous equatorial orbit
- 11. hypothetical planet in our solar system
- 14. Filters out out-of-band noise while amplifying receive range
- 15. celestial body with a 99.9% pure oxygen atmosphere