- 2. Netflix documentary film about a disability revolution at a summer camp in america(4,4).
- 4. It means their brain learns and uses information differently. This can include autism, attention and deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia and dyspraxia according to Welsh Parliaments Do disabled children and young people have equal access to education and childcare? easy read document.
- 5. description of policies which leave autistic people struggling to access health, education and housing by Aimee Grant and Kat Williams.
- 1. Established in 2021 to hold Welsh Government accountable in policy matters regarding children and young people (8,3,5,6,9,9).
- 3. Defined as 'a system of privilege that touches all people and all bodies' by Octavia Calder-Dawe, Karen Witten and Penelope Caroll article.