Exam #1

  1. 3. _____ vs. achievement
  2. 8. _____ analysis
  3. 9. what genes look like
  4. 10. ________'s Investment Theory
  5. 11. not latent, but
  6. 14. Sternberg's theory
  7. 16. purpose of the z-score
  1. 1. more natural intelligence
  2. 2. WKU mascot
  3. 4. _____ factor analysis
  4. 5. Thurstone's Primary Mental
  5. 6. invisible idea
  6. 7. numerator in z-score
  7. 12. not a standard score
  8. 13. _____ to find confidence interval
  9. 15. Psychometric theory
  10. 17. Luria's neurocognitive theory