About Madeline

  1. 3. Favorite Parent(s)
  2. 6. 2513 Beaumont Circle
  3. 7. My favorite animal
  4. 10. Brother I hang with most
  5. 12. Dance studio
  6. 13. A person who follows christ
  7. 15. I'm clean so I am...
  8. 17. Instrument I play
  9. 18. Favorite Candy
  10. 19. Birthday Day
  11. 21. Fav youtube channel
  12. 24. Other Favorite Game
  1. 1. My best friends
  2. 2. I am very ____ meaning I am smart
  3. 4. Birthday year
  4. 5. Favorite Vacation Spot
  5. 8. Birthday month
  6. 9. My favorite Activity
  7. 11. I like to do this in summer
  8. 14. I have my own...
  9. 16. Date
  10. 20. Favorite subject
  11. 22. Favorite Game
  12. 23. Favorite food