About Me...

  1. 1. What do I hope to be?
  2. 3. Favourite subject?
  3. 6. Favourite meal?
  4. 8. Pet peeve?
  5. 11. Who I love?
  6. 12. Who is my hero?
  7. 13. Ambition in life?
  8. 14. If I could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  9. 15. Favourite thing?
  10. 16. My birthday?
  11. 19. Favourite thing to eat?
  12. 20. My favourite number?
  1. 2. Personal trait?
  2. 4. What helps me to succeed?
  3. 5. What I love to do?
  4. 7. What motivates me to work hard?
  5. 9. My favourite sport?
  6. 10. My favourite colour?
  7. 17. Who I look up to?
  8. 18. What I love?