About Mohsen

  1. 7. Relax by listening to ...
  2. 8. Hobby: playing video ...
  3. 10. All-time favourite movie: "Precious!"
  4. 12. Favourite iso game: video games on the ...
  5. 13. Favourite alcoholic drink: black grapes
  6. 16. Favourite snack: the pairing of soft and crunchy components
  7. 18. Looking forward to getting out of the house for a meal
  1. 1. Favourite food: made with dough
  2. 2. Most celebrated: a significant event
  3. 3. Favourite season: blistering Sun!
  4. 4. Sweet or Savoury?
  5. 5. Iso goal: to stay in good health
  6. 6. Aspire to be: me
  7. 9. Greatest invention: games on the device your using
  8. 11. Dream holiday location: leaning Tower of Pisa
  9. 14. Favourite Sport: two teams of 11 players with a round ball
  10. 15. Favourite non-alcoholic beverage: infused hot water
  11. 17. Favourite animal: meow!