About Us

  1. 6. Where Ryan proposed
  2. 9. Groom’s middle name
  3. 10. where we currently live
  4. 12. Age of the groom
  5. 13. Month of the wedding
  6. 15. University of Arkansas slogan
  7. 17. Our favorite taco restaurant
  8. 19. Color of the bride’s eyes
  9. 22. Our dog
  10. 23. Ryan’s nickname for Laurel
  11. 24. Bride’s mother’s name
  12. 25. University of Texas slogan
  1. 1. Location of the honeymoon
  2. 2. Ryan’s favorite drink
  3. 3. Where Ryan went to law school
  4. 4. Bride’s favorite food
  5. 5. The bride’s hometown
  6. 7. Month we were engaged
  7. 8. Our second date
  8. 11. Where we met
  9. 14. Laurel’s favorite drink
  10. 16. Groom’s favorite NFL team
  11. 18. Said I love you first
  12. 20. Amount of years the couple has been together
  13. 21. ABC dating show