About us II

  1. 2. Where Andrew Son, Devan, and Anton has been hanging out after school
  2. 6. The time that pimmfridays should never have taken
  3. 8. A popular place in Korea, and also a setting in an old (kind of) Kpop song
  4. 12. The time that Devan and Andrew Son fight for points in Mrs. Gao's classroom
  5. 13. What Matthew touched during lunch on 10/3/23
  6. 15. Matthew's "favorite" song
  7. 16. The language Andrew speaks most instead of English
  8. 18. Not Devin
  1. 1. The language Devan takes at Bellarmine
  2. 3. Jonah's most liked song
  3. 4. Matthew's favorite number
  4. 5. Also known as changbai mountain
  5. 7. A waste of time for many parents because they have to suffer three hours every day
  6. 9. A province in the Philippines that Matthew was struggling with
  7. 10. Matthew's favorite online shopping source
  8. 11. A filipino fast food chain that is very popular for their chicken
  9. 14. A popular korean last name
  10. 17. Leo's trademarked style that Devan also tried