About us

  1. 1. Who said I love you first.
  2. 4. Where did we first meet.
  3. 6. What I call someone we both work with.
  4. 8. My nickname for the person we spent most of our time with.
  5. 10. My best friends name.
  6. 11. What we think your brother is.
  7. 14. The syrup I get in my hot chocolate.
  8. 15. The colour of my eyes.
  9. 16. The city my dad's family belongs to.
  10. 19. You bought me this from one of the times that we went shopping together.
  1. 1. What did I drop out of my balcony as a kid and never told my parents about.
  2. 2. Your favourite cereal.
  3. 3. The place where you were wanted by all the girls.
  4. 5. My only pet's name.
  5. 7. In my most recent dream I told you about, what was the accent the person was speaking in.
  6. 9. The side of my neck that is ticklish.
  7. 12. My dad's middle name.
  8. 13. Your last birthday gift.
  9. 15. Where is your birth-mark.
  10. 17. Where did I go to college before this.
  11. 18. What is my shoe size.