Abraham and Isaac - Genesis 22

  1. 1. “Abraham took ___ and a knife for the offering.”
  2. 4. “God reaffirmed His ___ to bless Abraham’s descendants.”
  3. 5. “Abraham went to the mountain to ___ God.”
  4. 8. “God decided to ___ Abraham’s obedience.”
  5. 9. “God provided a ___ as a substitute sacrifice.”
  6. 11. “God asked Abraham to offer Isaac as a ___.”
  7. 12. “The son whom Abraham was asked to sacrifice.”
  8. 15. “Isaac carried the ___ for the burnt offering.”
  9. 16. “An ___ of the Lord stopped Abraham from sacrificing Isaac.”
  10. 20. “Abraham built an ___ for the sacrifice.”
  11. 21. “God said He would ___ all nations through Abraham’s offspring.”
  12. 22. “God promised Abraham ___ as numerous as the stars.”
  13. 24. “Abraham showed ___ in God’s plan.”
  14. 25. Jireh “The name Abraham gave to the place, meaning ‘The Lord will provide.’”
  15. 26. “Abraham’s ___ to God was unwavering.”
  16. 28. “Abraham took a ___ to slay his son.”
  1. 1. “Abraham demonstrated great ___ in God.”
  2. 2. “God told Abraham to go to the land of ___.”
  3. 3. “God saw that Abraham feared Him above all else.”
  4. 6. “Isaac was Abraham’s only ___ with Sarah.”
  5. 7. “Abraham named the place ‘The Lord Will ___.’”
  6. 10. “The region where Abraham was to sacrifice Isaac.”
  7. 13. “Abraham and Isaac went on a three-day ___.”
  8. 14. “Abraham’s ___ was rewarded by God.”
  9. 16. “The father who was tested by God.”
  10. 17. “Abraham told Isaac that God would provide a ___.”
  11. 18. “Abraham heard the ___ of the Lord from heaven.”
  12. 19. “The story underscores God’s ___ with Abraham.”
  13. 23. “Abraham told his ___ to wait while he and Isaac went to worship.”
  14. 27. “Abraham’s ___ was tested by God.”