AC2.1 Explain Forms of Social Control

  1. 4. the use of punishment as a threat to stop people from offending
  2. 9. the use of some kind of force to make someone conform, this may be physical or psychological
  3. 11. a set of beliefs that guide and influence our decision making and behaviour
  4. 12. surname of the man who developed the 'containment theory'
  5. 13. agencies of the criminal justice system are _____ forms of social control
  1. 1. transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation
  2. 2. learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behaviour
  3. 3. stated that people need four main bonds in their life, attachment, commitment, involvement and belief.
  4. 5. containment comes from the influence of social groups around us
  5. 6. strategies for preventing deviant or criminal behaviour.
  6. 7. unwritten rules about behaviour - expected behaviour in society
  7. 8. containment comes from our upbringing and influence from family socialisation
  8. 10. standards of behaviour that are viewed as right or wrong