Academic Acronyms

  1. 2. Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills
  2. 5. English as a Second Language
  3. 8. Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency
  4. 12. Worldclass Instruction Design and Assessment
  5. 14. Child Requiring Assistance
  6. 15. former English Learner
  7. 16. Tiered Focused Monitoring
  8. 18. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
  9. 20. Goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound
  10. 22. Assessing Comprehension Communication in English State to State
  11. 24. Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol
  12. 26. Elementary and Secondary Education Act
  13. 27. English language development
  14. 29. An Act relative to language opportunity for our kids
  15. 30. School Improvement Plan
  16. 31. Special Education Parent Advisory Council
  1. 1. Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills
  2. 3. Social, Emotional Learning
  3. 4. Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure
  4. 6. District Curriculum Accommodation Plan
  5. 7. Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System
  6. 9. English Learner Parent Advisory Council
  7. 10. Response to Intervention
  8. 11. Every Student Succeeds Act
  9. 12. WIDA ACCESS Placement Test
  10. 13. District Improvement Plan
  11. 17. Massachusetts Tiered system of supports
  12. 19. Individual Education Plan
  13. 21. Rethinking Equity in Teaching English Language Learners
  14. 23. English Learner
  15. 25. Sheltered English Immersion
  16. 27. English language proficiency
  17. 28. Dual Language
  18. 30. Student growth percentile