- 2. An increase to assets.
- 6. Businesses that owe payment that is to be payed at a later date.
- 9. A chart that represents a businesses transactions with debit on the left and credit on the right.
- 10. Money that is on hand.
- 12. Assets = Liabilities + Owners Equity
- 14. Where you recive money with the promise to pay it back plus interest.
- 16. The money that you pay on top of paying back a loan.
- 17. Any money spent to continue the operations of a business.
- 18. Things that add to the value of a business are ------.
- 19. Things that a business owes are called -----------.
- 23. Any money brought in by a business.
- 24. Any action that effects an account of a business
- 1. Money &/or assets removed form a business by the owner for their personal use.
- 3. The primary program that is used by accountants to document transactions within a business.
- 4. A record that a business uses to track transactions.
- 5. An account that keeps track of money spent on things such as water, heating and electricity.
- 7. The value of a business that belongs to an owner.
- 8. The businesses that you owe payment to pay at a later date.
- 11. Assets, Liabilities, owners equity, revenue and expenses.
- 13. Principles of right and wrong that serve as guidelines in decision making.
- 15. A decrease to assets.
- 20. The money that you make.
- 21. An account that shows the owners equity.
- 22. A close examination of all financial transactions.
- 25. Administers the federal tax laws that congress enacts.