Accounts Theory Crossword

  1. 3. Anything that takes place in the business.
  2. 5. What results when the business has paid more out of its bank account than it had paid into it.
  3. 6. Capital can decrease due to these.
  4. 9. Material items an owner can invest in the business.
  5. 10. Short for Debit.
  6. 12. Short for credit.
  7. 18. A person who owes our business an amount of money.
  8. 21. When the business buys goods for resale from suppliers.
  9. 22. Every transaction is recorded by means of it.
  10. 24. payable A person to whom our business owes an amount of money.
  11. 25. A person from whom our business buys goods for resale.
  1. 1. A phrase used when goods are not paid for immediately when bought or sold.
  2. 2. A person to whom our business sells goods which were bought on credit.
  3. 4. The owner ______ money or assets in the business.
  4. 7. When a business borrows money.
  5. 8. Another word for an owner.
  6. 11. An amount of money received by the business during a given period of time.
  7. 13. Technical word used when we receive or give cheques.
  8. 14. Capital can increase due to these.
  9. 15. 'Receives' in Accounts is known as __________.
  10. 16. Technical word used when we receive or give cheques.
  11. 17. An amount of money or assets invested in the business by the owner.
  12. 19. 'Gives' in Accounts is known as _________.
  13. 20. The meaning of debit.
  14. 23. When the business sells goods to customers.