Accredited Education

  1. 2. Actionable Goals
  2. 4. Changed Practice
  3. 6. Knows
  4. 8. Knows how
  5. 12. Required for Relevant Relationships
  6. 14. Collected for anyone in control of content creation or delivery
  7. 16. Allows 6 year term
  8. 17. Professional practice problem
  9. 18. OUTCOMES Change in health
  10. 19. Must be disclosed and mitigated
  11. 20. Participant
  12. 21. Does not appear on educational content
  13. 22. Ineligible company funds/in-kind
  14. 23. Commercial Support agreement
  15. 24. Produces/Distributes Devices/Meds
  1. 1. ACCME Rules
  2. 3. CME Accreditor
  3. 5. Accreditation partnership
  4. 7. Tool to close gap
  5. 9. Can be accredited
  6. 10. Medical Education
  7. 11. ACCME grants
  8. 13. In practice/Does
  9. 15. Money for independent medical education
  10. 21. Defines CME and Requirements