Achient China

  1. 4. vampires hate it
  2. 5. what is the most followed culture
  3. 9. a well known Chinese food
  4. 10. a loud animal
  5. 12. a fried rice ingredient
  6. 13. male farming clothes
  7. 14. looks like garlic
  8. 17. art
  9. 19. a farming vegetable
  1. 1. beans a soup favourite
  2. 2. oink
  3. 3. a farm animal
  4. 5. covid maker
  5. 6. seeds
  6. 7. good luck
  7. 8. a sweet taste
  8. 11. the 2nd most followed religion
  9. 15. dragon costume
  10. 16. a strong Chinese drink
  11. 18. a pet