Achieving Your Career & College Lesson 11, 12 & 13

  1. 2. School that you are sure to get into.
  2. 4. Accuracy & truthfulness.
  3. 5. Person or institution that lends you money.
  4. 6. A plan or design.
  5. 10. Taxes that you must pay to the government if you own any property.
  6. 14. Necessary items and services.
  7. 17. Relating to one’s own country.
  8. 18. School that you find is right on your level.
  9. 19. Income taxes on any money you make.
  10. 21. Money you borrow and are expected to pay back.
  11. 22. US Dollars
  1. 1. Most prestigious and widely-known scholarships.
  2. 3. An effort to secure or get.
  3. 7. List of applicants.
  4. 8. Areas that SAT has.
  5. 9. School that you may or may not get into.
  6. 11. Additional cost incurred when first receiving or finishing paying off your loan.
  7. 12. Taxes you pay when you buy anything.
  8. 13. Assets or money you receive when a family member dies.
  9. 15. Items or services that may seem necessary.
  10. 16. Institution created in 1990’s for the growing of universities and the need to measure student achievement.bat Flying mammal
  11. 20. Exam if you study at a university in Mexico.