acient china

  1. 3. qin shi huang ordered it to be built
  2. 5. what they referred to themselves as
  3. 9. established first great chines empire
  4. 12. care free natural life
  5. 13. writing was made in this dynasty
  6. 15. improving inner self
  7. 16. period of glory
  8. 18. beginning three major philosophies
  9. 19. today we use them for guns
  10. 20. first known Chinese emperor
  1. 1. method used for priest to tell future
  2. 2. the first traditional chines dynasty
  3. 4. qin shi huang army was made out of
  4. 6. first of china's golden ages
  5. 7. an ancient china used for navigation
  6. 8. influenced Taoism
  7. 10. darkness and light
  8. 11. Emperors, government, peasants
  9. 14. influenced Confucianism
  10. 17. 4 Noble truths