ACL Crossword 3

  1. 2. A printer that uses both laser and photographic technology to produce high quality output (5)
  2. 5. The smallest unit of data in a computer - there are 8 of these in a byte (3)
  3. 6. Type of camera, records pictures electronically rather than using film (7)
  4. 7. Unique identity (8)
  5. 9. Find information (6)
  6. 12. A software program such as a word processor, spreadsheet, web browser, or even a game, that is designed for a specific purpose (11)
  7. 13. Mobile but not furry (5)
  8. 15. Not connected (7)
  9. 16. Very useful for assignments (4)
  10. 17. Causes incorrect or unexpected result in the output (3)
  11. 18. First page (or main contents page) of a web site (8)
  1. 1. A group of eight bits that represent a character or number (4)
  2. 3. The programs or instructions that tell the computer what to do (8)
  3. 4. A type of printer that forms letters on the page by shooting tiny electrically charged droplets of ink (6)
  4. 5. Basic computer language (6)
  5. 7. Antonym for downloading (9)
  6. 8. Two or more computers connected to each other (7)
  7. 10. The physical components of the computer system (8)
  8. 11. Aimless exploration on the internet (7)
  9. 14. Your key to success, can be musical (8)
  10. 19. Electronic, not through the letterbox (4)