Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge summary

  1. 2. We can trust that Heavenly Father is the source of and will reveal this to our minds
  2. 6. Don't miss the miracle of the ________ unfolding.
  3. 10. _____ ideas based on what you know about God.
  4. 12. _________ study the word of God.
  5. 13. Choose sources of ___________ wisely.
  6. 14. we can be blessed to _________ truth from error
  1. 1. Questions give us ___________ to learn
  2. 3. Honestly ______ knowledge
  3. 4. We show our trust in God by turning to Him through this.
  4. 5. Be _______ to live what you learn.
  5. 7. ______ the help of the Holy Ghost to see as the Lord sees.
  6. 8. With the right ________ and intent, the Lord will expand our minds.
  7. 9. Remember, God has not _________ all truth.
  8. 11. Seek an __________ perspective.