Medicaid Federal and State Acronyms

  1. 1. Coordination of Benefits
  2. 2. Department of Health and Human Service
  3. 3. Fee for Service
  4. 7. International Classification of Diseases 10th Edition Clinical Modification
  5. 8. Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System
  6. 10. long term care
  7. 11. Fiscal Intermediary
  8. 15. health maintenance organization
  9. 16. Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act
  10. 18. Management Administration Reporting Subsystem
  11. 20. Health Care Financing Administration (renamed CMS effective July 1, 2001)
  12. 23. Indian Health Service
  13. 24. Managed Care Organization
  14. 25. Concept of Operations
  15. 26. Explanation of Medical Benefits
  16. 29. Puerto Rico's Medicaid managed care program
  17. 33. national framework initiative
  18. 34. Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set
  19. 35. Iowa Medicaid Enterprise
  20. 36. Michigan Department of Community Health
  21. 37. Administrative Simplification Compliance Act
  22. 39. Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment
  23. 40. Joint Applications Design
  24. 42. Health Resources and Services Administration
  25. 44. General Accounting Office
  1. 1. Critical Success Factor
  2. 4. Federal Medical Assistance Percentage
  3. 5. National Institute of Standards & Technology
  4. 6. National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association
  5. 9. National Institutes of Health
  6. 12. Freedom of Information Act
  7. 13. Tennessee Medicaid Program
  8. 14. Outcome & Assessment Information Set
  9. 17. diagnostic related group
  10. 18. Medicaid Statistical Information System
  11. 19. level of effort
  12. 21. Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (of 1985)
  13. 22. Date of Birth
  14. 27. Medicaid Fraud Control Unit
  15. 28. Fiscal Year End
  16. 30. Arizona Medicaid Program
  17. 31. Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 1996
  18. 32. Benefits, Improvements & Protection Act of 2000
  19. 38. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  20. 39. End Stage Renal Disease
  21. 41. Advanced Planning Documents
  22. 43. ambulatory payment group