- 1. Coordination of Benefits
- 2. Department of Health and Human Service
- 3. Fee for Service
- 7. International Classification of Diseases 10th Edition Clinical Modification
- 8. Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System
- 10. long term care
- 11. Fiscal Intermediary
- 15. health maintenance organization
- 16. Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act
- 18. Management Administration Reporting Subsystem
- 20. Health Care Financing Administration (renamed CMS effective July 1, 2001)
- 23. Indian Health Service
- 24. Managed Care Organization
- 25. Concept of Operations
- 26. Explanation of Medical Benefits
- 29. Puerto Rico's Medicaid managed care program
- 33. national framework initiative
- 34. Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set
- 35. Iowa Medicaid Enterprise
- 36. Michigan Department of Community Health
- 37. Administrative Simplification Compliance Act
- 39. Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment
- 40. Joint Applications Design
- 42. Health Resources and Services Administration
- 44. General Accounting Office
- 1. Critical Success Factor
- 4. Federal Medical Assistance Percentage
- 5. National Institute of Standards & Technology
- 6. National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association
- 9. National Institutes of Health
- 12. Freedom of Information Act
- 13. Tennessee Medicaid Program
- 14. Outcome & Assessment Information Set
- 17. diagnostic related group
- 18. Medicaid Statistical Information System
- 19. level of effort
- 21. Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (of 1985)
- 22. Date of Birth
- 27. Medicaid Fraud Control Unit
- 28. Fiscal Year End
- 30. Arizona Medicaid Program
- 31. Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 1996
- 32. Benefits, Improvements & Protection Act of 2000
- 38. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- 39. End Stage Renal Disease
- 41. Advanced Planning Documents
- 43. ambulatory payment group