Active Aerobics

  1. 2. The air you breathe contains ___
  2. 4. ___ exercise; Brisk walking or yard work
  3. 8. Without oxygen; swimming fast or sprinting
  4. 9. Abbreviation for Resting Heart Rate
  5. 11. ___ exercise; working at a computer or playing a violin
  6. 13. The energy for activity is created when oxygen combines with simple sugars
  7. 15. How hard do you plan to exercise? EX: 140-180 BPM
  8. 18. Eating well and doing regular exercise can enhance ___ and self-esteem
  1. 1. The harder you exercise, the more your heart rate ___
  2. 3. How often you plan to exercise? EX: 3-6 days a week
  3. 5. __ Affects heart rate as does age, body size, and health status
  4. 6. Some very fit athletes have an RHR as low as 35 to __ bpm
  5. 7. Your RHR is typically lower when you're fit
  6. 10. Blood is pumped by the ___ through blood vessels to all parts of the body
  7. 12. When you're inactive, your heart beats about __ to 80 times per minute
  8. 14. ___ exercise; Jogging or swimming
  9. 16. How long do you plan to exercise? EX: 20-30 min.
  10. 17. Range of heart rates that creates best training