Active Reading Strategies

  1. 2. Relating the text to personal experiences, other texts, or the world to deepen understanding.
  2. 3. Use prior knowledge and clues from the text to anticipate what might happen next or what the text is about.
  3. 8. Using surrounding words or phrases to infer the meaning of unfamiliar words or concepts.
  4. 10. Looking over a text before reading to gain an understanding of its structure, main ideas, and key points.
  5. 12. Marking up a text with notes, highlights, and comments to aid comprehension and analysis.
  6. 14. Rewriting a passage or text in one's own words while retaining the original meaning.
  7. 17. Using visual aids such as charts, diagrams, or maps to organize and represent information from a text.
  8. 19. Concisely restating the main ideas and key points of a text in one's own words.
  9. 20. Combining information from different sources to create new insights or understanding.
  10. 21. Drawing logical conclusions based on information provided implicitly in the text.
  11. 22. Breaking down a text into its components to understand its structure, purpose, and effects.
  12. 23. Creating mental images or "mind movies" based on the descriptions provided in the text.
  1. 1. Examining a text carefully and critically, paying attention to details, language, and structure.
  2. 4. Thinking critically about one's own reading process, identifying strengths and areas for improvement, and setting goals for future reading.
  3. 5. Assessing the quality, credibility, and effectiveness of a text or its arguments.
  4. 6. Generating questions before, during, and after reading to enhance understanding and critical thinking.
  5. 7. Engaging in conversations with peers about the text to share insights, ask questions, and deepen understanding.
  6. 9. Verbalizing thoughts, questions, and reactions while reading to model comprehension strategies for others.
  7. 11. Checking understanding while reading and employing strategies to clarify confusion or address gaps.
  8. 13. Creating a visual representation of the plot, characters, setting, and key events in a story.
  9. 15. Consulting a dictionary or other reference materials to clarify unfamiliar words or concepts.
  10. 16. Look at it again!
  11. 18. Breaking down a text into smaller, manageable sections for easier understanding and retention.
  12. 24. Quickly glancing over a text to get the main idea without focusing on details.